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A community service division emanated from more than 50 years in education at all levels, spurred by international exposure and long years of partnership with UK institutions. We develop rewarding partnerships that help our clients bring about lasting improvements to their performance and growth. We work with businesses, individuals, families, schools, entrepreneurs, professionals and corporates to enable forward thinking that invigorate and galvanize their potential to embrace true results.


Neil Fogarty

Neil Fogarty is a business writer, international speaker and advisor with clients in Europe, GCC, Africa and The Americas. Neil has spoken on four continents about such subjects as entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship (corporate entrepreneurs), leadership and corporate health.

 Having built his first international multi-million dollar company in his twenties, Neil has been developing entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial businesses for a quarter of a century. In the private sector, Neil has set-up, grown, and turned around businesses, using intrapreneurship as an engine for growth. In the public sector, he has been involved in commercialization programs in central government, local government and the health sector. As well as writing and speaking, Neil is running his tenth company, the international management consultancy Spark Global Business, developing entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs and business growth ecosystems.

 Neil’s passion has helped people to learn and grow through the application of their new knowledge and skills, to realize their potential. He combines a wealth of real world experience with a facilitative and questioning approach to speaking, training and facilitating, and is sensitive to the needs of every individual.

His inclusive and motivational style draws out individual and group learning; helping individuals develop their knowledge and skills and then creatively apply their increased ability in their current and future roles. He has spoken to and trained over 10,000 people and consistently achieves ‘very good’ to ‘excellent’ feedback ratings. 

Neil is a visiting lecturer in both entrepreneurship and leadership with ESLSCA Business School, Neil is a Principal Practitioner Member of the Associate of Business Psychology, a member of the Organisational Behaviour Management Network as well as a Certified and Master Practitioner in Emotional Capability. 


Author of Kill Your Salesman, No More Noodles, Life After Noodles. Currently drafting publication of Business Noodles and finalising second draft of Nurturing Your Organizational Effectiveness. 

 Blogger for Virgin Group; Contributor to Bahrain’s ‘Business In Gulf’ journal; contributor to Egypt’s ‘HR Magazine’.


Appeared on BTA breakfast briefing in Ghana, discussing entrepreneurship in Africa; 1-1 interview in a one-hour special on BTA in Ghana discussing innovation in the oil & gas industry. Many appearances on radio in Africa and the Caribbean.  

Neil Fogarty - Introducing Intrapreneurship

Neil Fogarty Topics:

  1. Future-proofing your business with intrapreneurship- by Neil Fogarty on the topic of corporate entrepreneurship

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