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A community service division emanated from more than 50 years in education at all levels, spurred by international exposure and long years of partnership with UK institutions. We develop rewarding partnerships that help our clients bring about lasting improvements to their performance and growth. We work with businesses, individuals, families, schools, entrepreneurs, professionals and corporates to enable forward thinking that invigorate and galvanize their potential to embrace true results.

Management and Digital Thinking

Tuesday, 18 March 2014




In today’s VUCA* world, It’s axiomatic that every single leader in every single corner in the world is faced with unprecedented challenges and risks. On a more global scale; leaders are now plagued with the new markets’ ever faster trajectory of change that spurs financial short-termism, driven by the ever incrementally increasing power of technology and digital disruption. For the past ten years I've been in an industry where people are debating to identify their customers, while navigating the water of engaging customers to build a long term strategy that works. Within this ocean of turbulence the gap between corporations’ increasing needs and the available talent pool is not getting any closer, despite the surplus of knowledge that became available as never before, bolstered by the power of technology that has transformed learning capabilities and quenched its associated cost, turning learning and education into affordable solutions at one’s fingertips. It’s now inevitable to see collaboration a must-have rather than a nice-to-have.

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