We are all about moving forward. We seek collaborative technology-aided research towards the continuous advancement of our services; availed through ambitious, talented and committed people.
How our effort is directed and guided:
Moving Forward: Our mission at MSA CBSD is to ensure that everyone is moving forward everyday, making all the arrangements to push, assist and spur continuous development and progress. We build dynamic structures that encourage career progression and self-fulfilment, while asking our people to build and update their job description and take part in their job design.
Collaboration: Collaboration is not an invention, it’s the zeitgeist of the 21st century. Today’s world has taught us that invention, innovation and success can’t be attained without real collaboration that might transcend the competition rules. Our commitment to the world mandates every step forward to make advancement and development available and affordable including cooperation with the competition, while considering internal collaboration inevitable and imperative as part of our day to day activities. Our structure is built around encouraging self-directed teams to explore, innovate, implement and evaluate every possible solution to add value to our customers, people and the community.
Digital Thinking:Using technology is not a choice anymore; it’s the opportunity that no one wants to lose. Digital thinking is inherited in our DNA to purposefully incorporate technology in our processes and decision-making strategy. We think of technology as an advantage to promote business sustainability and growth rather than just speeding up our process or fostering automation. Here we tend to think of technology as a strategic tool that enables effective decision making, spurs collaboration and leads to offering innovative services.
Research and Development: MSA CBSD has emanated from a Higher Education institution that welcomes research everyday and every hour. We consider research and development effort that seeks civic impact as a part of our daily life, making research an integral part of our process for service development. We employ research effectively to make sense of global innovations, to learn how to advance our customers’ experience, to dig for new services and values that were never experienced before, and to improve our current business practices. R&D is considered mandatory to renew our provided services every six months.
Empowering People: Here’s the bedrock where we touch the undeniable truth. Everyone can understand that the fast changing pace of today’s world has denied us the right that we are created for; which is adding a true value to the world. Everyone is entitled to such a job rather than being wired to follow orders or to achieve other people’s goals. Our leaders and managers are encouraged and supported to design environments that help people explore themselves and find their voices, making a real impact. It’s our leadership commitment to encourage ideas, comments and suggestions, making it tolerable for intelligent mistakes and unstoppable service criticism (not individual) that aims to continuous improvement and advancement, while spurring life-long learning and self-correction.