Andrew will use relevant case studies, coupled with interactive exercises to help you understand where you and your organisation are on the transformation journey, and will provide you with your own “digital action-plan” to take back to your organisation.
He will call upon his extensive experience working for large multinational companies, as well as small and nimble start-ups over the last 25 years in senior management positions in Australia and the UK.
Specifically, the workshop will look at:
- The challenges and opportunities you and your organisation face
- How to realistically embrace these opportunities given resource constraints
- Guidance on how to foster an innovation culture
- How to “rise above the noise” both inside and outside your organisation
- An overview of the ”two tribes” of those born digital, and those going digital with specific reference to how they need to work together
- How your organisation can become “digital ready”, looking at the skills, environment and mind-set needed to success.
Delegates should come ready to discuss the disruptive forces currently impacting their own organisation, with a view to coming away with an action plan over the next 90 days.