Data Protection Policy
MSA CBSD is committed to handle information of team members, students, interns, clients, stakeholders and other interested parties with the utmost level of protection and confidentiality.
Our aim is to gather, process and keep data transparently and safely, in a manner that protects our people, clients and partners from possible misuse of their information.
This policy applies to all parties (team members, students, job candidates, clients, suppliers, partners, visitors etc.), generally this policy applies to any entity who provides any kind of information to us whether occasionally or frequently.
Policy Elements
As part of our operations, we collect and process data on a daily basis. This information could be online or offline that could be a breach of privacy like names, numbers, addresses, pictures, family information, work information, usernames and passwords, financial data etc.
Once we obtain this information the following rules apply:
Our data will be:
- Handled by authorized personnel only.
- Collected in a way that serves its purpose, and that purpose is made clear to the person
- Providing information.
- Processed in an ethical and moral way.
- Protected against any unauthorized or illegal access.
Our data won’t be:
- Communicated informally, or formally to any party not approved and known by the data provider.
- Stored without adequate protection and possible update.
- Kept in paper form without an appropriate method of disposal.
To exercise data protection we are committed to:
- Restrict and monitor access to sensitive data.
- Develop fair and transparent data collection procedures.
- Spread awareness among employees in online privacy and security measures.
- Build secure networks to protect online data from cyber attacks.
- Establish data protection practices (document disposal, data encryption, frequent backups, access authorization etc.)
- Meet legal and moral obligations to obtain only the needed information for operations and specify the purposes for which information is used.
- Ensure all personal and company data is non-recoverable from any computer system previously used within MSA CBSD, which has been passed on/sold to a third party.
- Deal promptly and courteously with any enquiries about handling personal information
- Regularly assess and evaluate our methods and performance in relation to handling personal information.
(Failure to comply with this policy is a form of misconduct which could lead to disciplinary actions.)