A larger-than-life character who specialises in human development, Nigel Risner empowers individuals to play to their strengths and embrace opportunities in the workplace.
As a peak performance coach and keynote speaker, he draws on real-life examples to guide professionals along the road to success, communicating his messages through lively and unusual sessions designed to teach individuals at all levels how to boost self-esteem and make things happen.
His 'animal theory', expounded in his book ‘It’s a Zoo Around Here’, is particularly popular: delegates are categorised according to four communication styles—lion, elephant, monkey and dolphin—to demonstrate how teams can benefit from the interplay of its different members. ‘Learning should be an interactive experience’, chatters Nigel, who identifies as a monkey.
He always provides high-content, take-home value through carefully customised presentations. He's able to share through experience what works, what doesn't, and why. He has learned – the hard way – that positive results can come from negative experiences, and that we often learn best from situations which are unfamiliar and even uncomfortable. He not only shows people what to do; but also, more importantly, teaches them how to think.
As the only motivational speaker in Europe to have been awarded Speaker of the Year from both The Academy for Chief Executives and Vistage (formerly known as The Executive Committee), Nigel is a respected author, television presenter and a prolific speaker. He speaks with authority: his own life having veered perilously away from comfortable norms at times.
As one of the youngest CEO’s of a financial services company in the City of London, Nigel knows business as well as he knows life and more importantly he knows what it takes to lead a successful business! Unlike other motivational speakers or consultants, he has the ability to translate – with electrifying effect – that hands on experience into a coherent, compelling and exciting philosophy, which has made him one of Europe’s leading keynote speakers and a powerful professional one-to-one coach to some of the world’s leading business executives.
His books: “You Had Me at Hello – the new rules for better networking” and “It’s a Zoo Around Here – the new rules for better communication” Have sold in their thousands and are literally transforming lives all around the world.
His latest book “The IMPACT Code” is setting a new standard for self-help guides…This one actually works!
Today Nigel Risner conducts over 150 seminars and speeches a year for leading companies and organizations in Britain and overseas. In the year 2000 Nigel was the recipient of the ACE - The Academy of Chief Executives - highest honour: Speaker of The Year voted by over 200 CEOs in the UK.