Our address:

26 July Mehwar Road intersection with Wahat Road, 6th October City. Egypt.

Have any questions?


Call us:

TEL: 38371517 - 38371518

FAX: (+202) 3837 1543

Hotline : 16672

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A community service division emanated from more than 50 years in education at all levels, spurred by international exposure and long years of partnership with UK institutions. We develop rewarding partnerships that help our clients bring about lasting improvements to their performance and growth. We work with businesses, individuals, families, schools, entrepreneurs, professionals and corporates to enable forward thinking that invigorate and galvanize their potential to embrace true results.

HRM Workshops


Corporate and Business Services Development training courses are taught by professionals, experienced trainers and experts who receive continuous and development training techniques and practices in both Egypt and abroad. 

More than 200 highly skilled trainers and facilitators located in Egypt, US, and UK are here ready to serve. Many of them are recognized international experts in their individual fields. 

Our trainers provide tailored training to your needs and help you develop skills and build expertise in your language whenever and wherever you need it. 

Professionals who choose CBSD as their training provider are known to be the best and brightest in the business world. They demand the challenge of learning from the best of our world. 

You always have a trusted advisor at hand! 

Our dedicated team of trainers help you further develop the skills and competencies you need to make a difference for your career and your organisation. If you are interested in learning more about becoming a trainer with us join now our Experts and Speakers Bureau  


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  • 26 July Mehwar Road intersection with Wahat Road, 6th October City. Egypt.
  • 38371517 - 38371518
  • cbsd@msa.eun.eg
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